• What Others Say

    Read testimonials, see the Best of Lawrence results, and see Bluestem in the news!

  • Connect with us!

    Subscribe to our email newsletter for studio updates and yoga and wellness tips.
    We respect your privacy!

  • FREE Intro to Bluestem Yoga

    A super-friendly 75-minute “orientation”, including conversation, Q&A, and a sample class. We'll help you pick out and feel comfortable in your first group class! Next up: Jan 12

  • Just As I Am: 4-Week Series

    Turn away from the "new year, new you" messages and develop a practice of presence with the body, just as it is now. 

  • Yoga FUNdamentals

    A special 4-week series, especially for beginners. Classes move at a slower pace, and you’ll receive lots of instruction. Learn how to modify poses to work within the limits of your body. Starts mid-January!

  • Mindful New Year

    A 6-week series for presence and growth. Explore several styles of meditation and learn how to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily life. Tuesday evenings starting Jan 21!

  • Special Events

    Learn about sound baths, give-back classes, full moon yoga, workshops, class series, book discussions, and more!

  • Gift Ideas

    We have digital gift cards for yoga packages, mindfulness series, sound baths, and other special events!

  • Curvy Yoga®

    Celebrates and centers the needs of larger-bodied people. Release tension with specific guidance on accommodating your body comfortably just as it is now.
    Thursdays 6:45 - 7:45pm

  • Chair Yoga

    Gentle and accessible for all. Excellent for people recovering from illness/injury, as well as older adults.
    Email your interest to Sandy.

get in touch

I’m Sandy, the studio owner, and I am happy to answer your questions!


(785) 274-9774

The studio is open 15 minutes before class and by appointment. We lock the door during class.

3727 W 6th Street
Lawrence, KS 66049